Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Balmy December Day

It is 8pm on December 20. It is also a pleasant 66 degrees (19 Celsius). There are certainly SOME advantages to living in Izmir.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Chris and Barb!

    It's Christmas Eve here in GR, so it must already be Christmas in Izmir. I suppose they don't celebrate it there however,so imagine a Christmas tree.

    Bob and I are at Judy's, getting ready to go over to Mike and Sherry's. You'll be missed, but we'll have a toast to our world travelers in absentia.

    Hope you have a very merry Christmas in balmy Izmir. Just like spending the holidays in the islands, mon.

    Miss you both.

    Love and holly,

    Jo and Bob
