Friday, October 2, 2009

Settling In- Kind of

Well, I don't have any exciting stories (read: miserable experience that turns into a jolly fun tale) this time. For which I am not particularly heartbroken. We needed a break from those stories. Normally I would think it would make this a shorter post, but I know from previous experience (and you do too) that just because I have nothing to say doesn't stop me from talking.

So we have settled into a schedule of sorts. Chris has started at IEU, and works from 8:30-4:30. Because the bus takes a while from our place to Balçova, he has to leave pretty early. I was scheduled to work evenings 5 days a week and then Sat AM, so Chris is also working Sat AM with me. 10-2, so not bad. However, we had some schedule changes, and now I'm working afternoons instead of evenings (awesome, I'll actually SEE my husband!) and no weekends. So now poor Chris is stuck working weekends, which he only agreed to because I had to. Ooops. We'll get him out of it somehow. So my schedule is basically 1-6:30, except for 1 late night. Not bad at all, I get to sleep in, which makes me much happier than getting up early. Less money being spent on an IV drip from Starbucks as well. So while we're settling into our new schedules, things do continually change and present new challenges.

One thing that teaching academic vocabulary to students is that my own vocabulary is becoming inundated with words I haven't used since writing papers in college! The same thing had started to happen to Chris (and when you consider what his vocabulary already was, it's a frightening prospect indeed!) but now he's teaching beginners (they know NO English coming in), which means that soon he will start pointing to his ears when he wants me to listen to him, and enunciating his words carefully, using very simple language. We're going to be quite the pair.

The weather continues to cool off, although not nearly like the kind of weather in Michigan. By cooling off, I mean it's finally comfortable to go for a walk in the afternoon, and breezy enough in the evenings to warrant a light sweater. (Darn, something else I HAVE to go shopping for. Breaks my heart, I tell you.)

I do have some very fun news though. Because he needs to have a work permit, Chris will be flying home sometime within the next month to get his paperwork. YAY! I won't be coming with him though, because as I told him, if I fly to Michigan, I'm not flying back here. Ever. So he will be coming alone, but with an empty suitcase that will be filled with goodies before he comes back. Things makeup, my two dozen pairs of winter shoes i left behind, the soft bedsheets, you know, the necessities of life. :D I'll give you all more details when I know them, but although he won't have many days in GR, some of you may get to see him. Take him out to eat good food, ok? And if anyone has a request for something from Turkey, get them in soon, and maybe his suitcase won't be so empty :)

Anyways, my next student will be here in 10 minutes and I suppose I should at least give the impression that I'm prepared. Miss you all!


  1. Hey guys! I love reading your blog and keeping up on your life's adventures. Sounds like things are moving along. We need to catch up soon. I miss you...take care!

  2. BARB!!!!! I don't have any staples left in my stapler...I need someone to fill them...please!! ;) I miss you terribly my dear. I'm happy to read that life isn't boring! I've wanted to call..but not sure if that'd work?

    Take care, miss you and wish I was there!


  3. Traci:

    Fill your own damn stapler. (I SOOOO wanted to say that when i worked there!!:D )

    As long as we work out the details of when to make the call, you can call us on skype. it'll even be a local call! our # is (616)328-5665. If you feel like downloading skype, we can even do a video call for free, and then it'll be just like you're here (or i'm there!)

    Btw, all of the rest of you can feel free to call too!

  4. What do you mean wanted?? You said that to me on more than on occasion! ;) Heh. Gave Becky and I a good laugh though. Until next Friday my personal life is in the crapper...finally decided to take the GRE and it's next FRIDAY. Can you say FREAK OUT?!?! So, I'll shoot you a note (you have the same email, right?) after the nightmare is over and set something up. You can be my ray of sunshine since you are getting a heck of lot more than I am!

    Take care,
